Google Earth© image of area around Milford in
southwestern Utah.
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to consult on
a project involving a pipeline bringing natural gas from southwestern Wyoming
to southern California. My job was to
examine outcrops along the Wyoming and Utah portions and make decisions about
the need for mitigation to protect fossils.
That distance is a long way to walk; however, I and my crew examined every
rock outcrop along the route and consumed many cans of tuna, sardines, and
Vienna sausage. As we traveled along
trying to unravel the geology we had the opportunity to notice some great
scenery. One place that still stands out
in my mind was exploring the Mineral Mountains near Milford in southwestern
Utah. I was quietly leaning against a
tree perched along a very large canyon, eating my can of sardines, and sort of
daydreaming about what a great spot I had chosen. Furthermore, I imagined that Native Americans
also had enjoyed the view since it was easy to spot large mammals moving up or
down the canyon. In addition, a
geologist exploring a mountain range named Mineral seemed like some sort of a
nirvana had been reached.
are certain half-dreaming moods of mind in which we naturally steal away from
noise and glare, and seek some quiet haunt where we may indulge our reveries
and build our air castles undisturbed. Washington Irving
But, times marches on and we needed to get the
pipeline route cleared so a call to duty was sounded. But then we had a serendipitous moment for
just on the other side of the tree was a large area covered by black obsidian
flakes. A spectacular site that
confirmed our idea that Native Americans also had enjoyed our view!
Now finding black obsidian in southwestern Utah is not
an unusual occurrence; however, these flakes had been worked and were the
“leftovers” from the making of projectile points. We found the flakes since loose sand was been
removed from the area by shifting winds.
We examined a few of the flakes and then left them undisturbed in their
natural state. No need to disturb the
Another event, perhaps as exciting as the chipping
area, was noting the power station near Milford generating electricity from
geothermal resources. Neither I, nor my
crew, had seen such a creature. The
Roosevelt Hot Springs Geothermal Area was commercially developed in the early
1900s, mostly as bathhouses, hot pools and adjacent hotels. In 1984 the power plant was brought on-line
and uses steam powered turbines created by bringing up hot brines via wells. The area is perched on top of a fractured and faulted subsurface
intrusion allowing circulation of the hot brines.
At times, hot water followed a fracture and created a surficial hot spring (and
filled a swimming pool). At other
places, the hot water deposited amorphous silica and opal. One such place we observed was Opal Mound
along the Opal Mound Fault. Opal Mound
is essentially a venting area for silica-rich hot water; however, the deposit is
rather common opal and non-precious.
I had sort of forgotten about Milford and the opal and
moved on to various other projects and interests. However, a few years ago while touring the
Electric Park venue, one of the Tucson shows, I ran into a couple who were
selling Utah Lace Opal (ULO). I am
always interested in Utah minerals and therefore had a nice conversation Larry and
Joyce Wright, the owners of Aspen Rock and Gem. It seems the couple
had been rockhounding and looking for Opal Mound but found it claimed and so
headed out to hunt for obsidian. What
they discovered on their hike was not obsidian, but a banded “hard foamy rock”
that could be stabilized and then cut, polished and used as jewelry in cabs or
wire wrapped. The trade name for this
rock is Utah Lace Opal.
Utah Lace Opal, non-stabilized. Width ~5 cm.
It appears that the ULO was deposited via silica-rich mineralized
thermal water migrating along a fracture system that Aspen Rock and Gem calls a
silica splinter seam. This seam goes
down about 70 feet and all mining of the ULO is done by hand. The Company also states the ULO was formed 2000
years ago over a 300-year period. I was unable to verify those dates but presume they have a strong basis for the results.
I purchased a small sample of ULO that was not
stabilized but simply cut. Without stabilization,
the ULO has numerous vugs that create the “foamy” appearance. So, Utah Lace Opal is a proprietary name but
what about the description of the opal?
Much opal in the world can trace their origin of silica
to marine or fresh water single-celled organisms called diatoms and
radiolarians (both have siliceous skeletons).
However, the ULO traces its origins to silica-rich mineralized hot water
where the solution captured the silica from rocks in the subsurface. As these high-temperature fluids reached the
surface they experienced rapid cooling and an amorphous silica precipitated as
opal (sometimes called silica sinter or geyserite).
Although opal is commonly called a mineral, it is a
mineraloid since it varies in chemical composition and is microcrystalline and/or
amorphous since the atoms do not occur in a regular structure; however, there
is an orderly arrangement of closely packed spheres of silica. One distinguishing feature of opal is the
amount of water in the atomic structure, perhaps up to 20%: SiO2-nH2O where n
represents a variable amount of water.
- Opal-C -
microcrystalline opals made of cristobalite [ high temperature polymorph
of quartz]. Transitional state in
the formation of diatomites [rock formed mostly of diatom tests] and
radiolarites [rock formed mostly of radiolarian tests] from opaline
skeletons. Found in nodular concretions in sediments,
- Opal-CT -
microcrystalline opals made of intergrown cristobalite and tridymite
[another high temperature polymorph of quartz]. Found in common opal, as well as a
transitional state in the formation of diatomites and radiolarites from
opaline skeletons. Found in opaline concretions in sediments
- Opal-AG -
amorphous opals with a gel-like structure. This is the structure of potch
[common] opal, precious opal and fire opal.
- Opal-AN -
amorphous opals with a network-like structure. A common example is hyalite or glass
As best that I can determine, the geothermal solutions
rising along faults zones near Milford deposited both common opal and
hyalite; however, Aspen Rock and Gem noted “it [ULO] went from one silica phase
to another forming Opal-C to Opal-CT to quartz and is seen in various stages
and is still maturing. Vugs with
Botryoidal Hyalite Opal clusters form stalactites and stalagmites giving lacey
layers to the formation.” Since neither
cristobalite nor tridymite may be identified with ordinary microscopy, I was
unable to note Opal-C or Opal-CT in my specimen. It appears that I have common opal (Opal-AG)
and glassy hyalite (Opal-AN).
The vibrant, and distinguishing, bands of ULO are created
by common and hyalite opal with various impurities of aluminum (blue-green), magenta
(manganese), orange (iron), gray (magnesium), yellow (titanium) (Aspen Rock and
Photomicrograph common opal. Width FOV ~1.2 cm.
Photomicrograph glassy and colorful hyalite opal. Width FOV ~1.2 cm.
The Mineral Mountains, those of leaning trees great for
a nap, are a complex and rugged range. Structurally
the range is a large horst (upthrown block bounded by faults) located in the
transition zone between the Basin and Range Physiographic Province to the west
and the Colorado Plateau Physiographic Province to the east. Most of the exposed rocks consist of a intrusive pluton of mid-to late Tertiary age (Mineral Mountain Pluton). The range is well known for producing gold,
silver, copper and lead from contact metamorphic zones associated with Paleozoic
rocks and the intrusive rocks. In
addition, the metamorphic heat has cooked a Late Paleozoic limestone and fluids
have filled some of the small fractures creating a beautiful rock marketed as
Picasso Limestone. Crosby (2014 in
MinDat.com) stated that the carbonate is the Permian age Toroweap Limestone
while Stibbett and Nielson (1980) believed the small outcrops need additional
study and the carbonate could be as old as the Mississippian Redwall Limestone.
Polished specimen of Picasso Marble so named due to the abstract nature of the veins. Width ~ 7 cm.
It is tough to locate much confirmable information on
the geology and mineralogy of the Picasso Limestone. A stray BLM report noted that a few tons of
the material was blasted and hard sorted by Penny’s Gemstones LLC from the
Silver 1-2 and Silver 3-4 mines in the southern part of the Range. Crosby (2014 in MinDat.com) stated that all outcrops
of the Marble are under claim by David L. Penny of Beaver, Utah. I presume David Penny and Penny’s Gemstone
are synonymous. Some banter on a chat
room type of site indicated the Marble is mined out and now only available from
the stock at Penny’s shop in Beaver, Utah (http://www.ltagallery.com). At any rate, Picasso Marble is a beautiful
rock and is valued for carving (especially bear fetishes), slabbing, and cabochons
since it easily takes a very high polish (note light reflections on
photo). I don’t have the slightest idea
about the mineral composition of the cross-cutting veins in the Marble but have
seen undocumented chatter about silver sulfide, serpentine and various copper
Another popular Utah rock with even less provenance
information (at least that I can locate) is Zebra Stone or White Tiger Stone---or
you can substitute rock or marble in place of stone! There seem to be several localities in the
world that produce a “zebra stone”; however, most pieces quarried from Utah are
labeled as such. It seems that any rock
with black and white stripes from limestone to quartzite to sandstone to
granite to gneiss etc. may be termed zebra rock. I have noticed zebra rock for sale at
numerous rock shows and usually it is simply identified as being collected in
Photomicrograph dolomite "stripe" in Zebra Rock. Width FOV ~1.6 cm.
Zebra Stone composed of crystalline dolomite. Width ~10 cm.
The piece in my collection was purchased several years
ago at a rock shop in southern Utah.
When asked about locality data all the proprietor would part with was a
claim and quarry west of Sevier Lake in Millard County. Per the geologic map of Utah, the rocks
exposed along the west side of the Lake are Cambrian and Ordovician in
age. However, a stop at the BLM office
in Fillmore indicated that zebra stone can be found in Lawson Cove, also in
Ordovician rocks but southwest of Sevier Lake in the Wah Wah Mountains. My
specimen is composed of both white and dark (blackish) crystalline dolomite. Zebra
Stone or White Tiger Stone is a rock with an interesting pattern and certainly catches
the attention of collectors and rockhounds.
My last striped rock from Utah has very good locality
data since it collected several decades ago near Vernon, Utah, in the West
Desert (Tooele County). In fact, Vernon
Hills Wonderstone is one of Utah’s best known collectable rocks. It is a welded, glassy, volcanic tuff (air fall
ash, rhyolitic in composition) in which the glassy particles were “welded”
together by heat and compaction. In fact,
mid-Tertiary welded tuffs are very common in western Utah; however, the Vernon
Wonderstone is different from most in that it displays a variety of colorful concentric
or layered patterns. These vibrant colors
are due to post-depositional, circulating hydrothermal waters depositing pyrite (mostly) that was
later oxidized by rainwater creating hematite, goethite and other iron oxides. Lapidaries love Vernon Hills rocks since the
non-porous nature of the rock, along with a high percentage of silica, creates
a suitable hardness for polishing.
Polished Vernon Hills Wonderstone. Width of polished surface ~5 cm.
Wonderstone is sort of an overused term. Besides the rhyolitic wonderstone, many types
of “picture sandstone” and “picture jasper” have been stuck with the same
moniker. However, I suppose the
rhyolitic wonderstones of Utah and western Nevada are the best known.
As far as I know, the Vernon Hills location is on BLM
land and is still available for collecting.
In fact, during my last trip the area was covered by literally tons of pieces. There may be mining claims; however,
they are well marked.
I am not a big collector of striped rocks or any of
the “picture types;” however, since they were collected in Utah, home of most
of my professional work, I picked them up at shows or on the ground.
Stibbett, B.S. and D.L. Nielson, 1980. Geology of the
Central Mineral Mountains, Beaver County, Utah: Department of Energy Division
of Geothermal Energy Contract DE-AC07-78ET28392, DOE/ET/28392-40.
As for reaching into the back recesses of my mind and remembering the Mineral Mountains, I am always reminded of our recent Nobel Laureate in Literature: Take care of all your
memories. For you cannot relive them.