Saturday, August 3, 2024


There has been a big pause in my writing this summer. After 18 years of residing in Colorado Springs, the house was packed up and "stuff" was transported back to Wisconsin, my home prior to Colorado. I have  moved from the hustle and traffic of metro CO SPS with a population of 701,000 to the Village of Holmen, WI, population 10,616. We live in a small  neighborhood bordered by a sand prairie on the north, very tall red pines on the east, mixed Trees on the west, and a main sort of road (although not very busy) on the south. Kids play in the streets and adults walk their dogs and stop by to introduce themselves. Main street of the  Village , maybe a half mile away, is anchored by Smokie's Bar, Rudy`s Feed and Seed, the Meat Market and Locker (stopped in and purchased a pound of bratwurst today), and about 10 small family run businesses. August 16-18 is the 2024 version of the annual"Kornfest" complete with a parade, food tents, sweet buttered corn, beer garden , bands and more. Also featured is a float from the Sons of Norway (my former Assistant Dean is the President and has a prime seat on the float). We visited the weekly farmers market tonight and one of these evenings is one of the free concerts in the park. The major north÷south road leads south to Onalaska (16,000) and LaCrosse (~50 000). Important to persons of my age is hea,th care. Never fear as Mayo has a very large hospital and clinic while the Gunderson System has another large hospital and clinics. I suppose downtown LaCrosse is 10 miles away. Also important is that the Village has two mom/pop coffee houses and an old fashioned drive in serving fantastic root beer floats and the largest soft serve ice cream cones I have ever  observed. The mighty Mississippi River is a mile away and borders down town Onalaska and LaCrosse. The U of WI LaCrosse is my former institution from where I "retired" 18 years ago. I will return to writing as soon as the unpacking lets  me out of the cardboard entanglement.

BTW, I get questions about moving from the city to a rural area--will I get bored? At this stage in my life I am ready for some slow traffic and peace and quiet. I grew up in a small town in Kansas with a population of 400- and a high school with 47 students. My spouse is from an ever smaller community in South Dakota so we are familiar with rural life. The Holmen-Onalaska-LaCrosse area is a very, very vibrant community with two major medical systems and the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse (number 2 ranked public university in Wisconsin behind the flagship University of Wisconsin Madison) plus the private Viterbo University and a large Technical College. Across the River is LaCresent, MN. The Mississippi River is nearly a mile wide with many channels and islands and is a boater's paradise. The forested cliffs bordering the River are 500-700 feet high; so no Pikes Peak but a beautiful and different ecosystem to contemplate. 

I will return to writing as soon as the unpacking lets  me out of the cardboard entanglement.   

For now, signing off from the Village.  Mike





Sunday, April 28, 2024



At the recent Tucson event I was constantly perusing big and small and tiny displays of Perky Boxes looking for interesting minerals that I could afford. Some of the purchases were a mixed bag (in reality) of common and less common minerals with good locality/mine information but lacking names of collectors. For example, a bag of 29 Boxes with mounted micros/thumbnails for the price of $10. I figured the Perky Boxes, many with the minerals on mounting pedestals, were worth the ten bucks. Perhaps the most interesting of those minerals were crednerite (copper manganese oxide) from the Maid of Sunshine Mine in Arizona (one photo in MinDat) and wherryite (lead, copper mixed-sulfate silicate) from the famous Mammoth (Tiger) Mine in Arizona. I thought it was a good buy, even if there were four smithsonites.

However, I also picked up numerous individual specimens including a pretty, blue, doubly terminated, crystal of fluorapatite from Brazil. I nabbed on to a “one-in-the-collection” specimen of voltaite and copiapite, both ferrous-ferric sulfate minerals. This fact was interesting to me along with the tidbit that voltaite was named for Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta who invented the electric battery and is forever remembered for volts in battery and electrical terminology (more on batteries later). And thirdly, the specimen came from the Rio Tinto Mine in Spain that perhaps is the oldest major mine in the world.

Voltaite ( K2Fe2+5Fe3+3Al(SO4)12 · 18H2O) is a mixed valence iron compound containing both ferrous iron—with a 2+ oxidation state—and ferric iron--with a 3+ oxidation state.  Copiapite (Fe2+Fe3+4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O) is also a mixed valence iron sulfate but lacks potassium.   It is one of three minerals that is a purely a ferrous-ferric sulfate. To me, voltaite looks black and almost metallic with almost vitreous luster; however. MinDat states the true color is green to greenish-black with a resinous luster (not as bright and resembles the luster on plastic). What crystals I can see on my specimen resemble cubes but are often fractured and massive. MinDat states crystals are commonly octahedral and modified by the cube and dodecahedron. Although voltaite looks “hard” it has been measured as fairly soft   ~3.00+.  

Dark black/greenish-black voltaite with light yellow-cream and hairy halotrichite crawling around. Very tiny, orange to yellow-orange globules of copiapite are scattered around. Width FOV ~3 mm.
This ~2.0 FOV photomicrograph is interesting. Note the more "shiny" voltaite and also in the upper left quadrant two-three light gray, almost cubic, much less lustrous crystals that may be gratonite, a lead arsenic sulfosalt (Pb9As4S15). An even more problematic identification is the brownish-orange, cube-like crystal in the upper right quadrant that could be romerite, a mixed iron valence sulfate (Fe2+Fe3+2(SO4)4 · 14H2O). However, these identifications are really above my pay grade.

A brightly colored (yellow to orange ) voltaite traveling companion is copiapite, the mixed valance iron sulfate lacking potassium. It occurs as an earthy fine-granular crust or globule that is very fragile and soft (~2.5 Mohs). Crystals are rare and certainly not visible in my specimen.

Photomicrograph of yellow-cream halotrichite, yellow orange globules of copiapite, and the dark voltaite matrix.

What makes this specimen interesting is that the voltaite and copiapite appear to be under attack by a cluster of spiders (yes cluster is the correct term). Of course, these “spiders” are really halotrichite consisting of  numerous radial or “globby” hair-like crystals that are yellowish to whitish encrustations or are scattered across the matrix. They are very soft (~1.5 Mohs) and brittle. Halotrichite is a single valance ferrous iron (2+) aluminum sulfate (FeAl2(SO4)4 · 22H2O).

Hair-like crystals of halotrichite. Width FOV ~1.5 mm.

My specimen came from the world- famous Rio Tinto Mine located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) located in the southwest part of the Iberian Peninsula, comprising part of Portugal and of the provinces of Huelva and Seville in  Spain. The IPB corresponds to an area of Devonian-Carboniferous volcanic and sedimentary rocks containing massive polymetallic sulfide deposits. This area forms an arcuate belt, about 150 miles long and up to 40 miles wide, trending westwards from near Seville in Spain to west-northwest in South Portugal. Both the eastward and westward extents of the belt are covered by Tertiary sedimentary rocks. The IBP contains the largest concentration of massive sulfide deposits in the world and more than 250 deposits are known.  Thus far the IBP has yielded more than 2000 million tons of removed ore, and has some 400 million tons of reserve for possible exploitation. However, IBP is a classic example  of the negative environmental impact caused by  long-lasting  and intensive mining development. Almost continued mining and working for 5000+years have modified the landscape and caused  a steadily increasing pollution of water resources at a regional scale. The generation of acid waters from the  erosion of  massive sulfides and mine waste washing, and the drainage of mine waters have originated  ecosystems (organisms living in extreme environments) unique in this world. The natural or environmental change created by human activity has created an environmental disaster. (Disclaimer: the above paragraph was cherry picked from an essay “constructed” by Microsoft Bing Co-Pilot AI. I suspect much is plagiarized. However, I wanted to see what the buzz was all about!).

The most important commodities (copper, sulfur, gold, silver, lead, tin, iron, and zinc) mined from the IBP were found in massive cupriferous pyrite; lead- and zinc-rich pyrite; various copper-rich ores such as chalcopyrite and covellite; disseminated type porphyry copper-rich ores; and gold/silver-rich oxidized ores associated with a goethite-limonite gossan. Today the mines are mostly in decline or closed. However, there are numerous proposals floating around asking for help to fund the next World Class Mine in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Interestingly, coal is the leading mineral commodity mined today from Spain.

Sunday, April 21, 2024



During the last couple of decades, I have spent a fair amount of time in Arizona enjoying the Tucson shows, the desert, spring baseball, great southwestern food, the rock exposures and mountains, and the lack of snow removal. When I had my RV it was easy to travel and camp in many different localities around Tucson and Phoenix ranging from state parks to boondocking. We were always enamored with the County Parks (14 of them with several camping areas) in Maricopa County, the Sonoran Desert National Monument, and the next-door (Pima County) Lost Dutchman State Park.

Maricopa County is a “really, really” large county (9,224 sq, mi.) that contains the 5th largest city in the U.S (Phoenix), five Native American reserves, several mountain ranges and Wilderness Areas, and other federal and state protected areas. It seems like a “day trip” driving east-west across the county (132 miles) or north-south (103 miles).

A few years ago (Pandemic time) I decided to explore (day excursions) a couple of the Wilderness Areas in the western part of the County (no Covid bugs out there in the open spaces). By exploring, I really mean driving slowly to gaze at the Sonoran Desert (at this stage of my life I rarely venture far off the roads by myself). I slowly motored toward the Big Horn Mountains and Hummingbird Springs Wilderness Areas located west of Phoenix but still situated in Maricopa County. The intended journey was to traverse through Sonoran Desert National Monument located in the Maricopa Mountains southwest of Phoenix and then north and northwest over to the southern part of the Gila Bend and Painted Rock Mountains. So, with plenty of water and food and a full tank of gas, off I went. I also left a detailed proposed itinerary with my spouse in Apache Junction and my brother in Tucson and a promise "not to do anything stupid."

One of Arizona’s most famous mines is the Rowley located in the northern part of the Painted Rock Mountains and a producer of magnificent blades of orange wulfenite (lead molybdate) and mimetite (lead arsenate chloride). Although commercial mining of copper, lead and other mineral commodities ceased about a century ago, the mine is patented and has consistently produced specimen minerals since that time. MinDat lists 75 valid minerals including 13 Types and several varieties of uncommon lead minerals.  Of course, the Mine is posted, and collectors must receive hard-to-obtain permission. From my point of view, that is OK since my claustrophobia does not allow explorations in mines or caves or small rooms or even large areas with crowds of people! But I could observe from a distance.

Wulfenite tab crowded with hundreds of tiny acicular mimetite crystals. Width FOV ~7 mm.
Wulfenite tabs associated with hexagonal barrel shaped mimetite crystals.
Solitary crystal of wulfenite with out-of-focus mimetite crystals. Wulfenite crystal ~1mm in length.

Further north in the Desert are the joined Hummingbird Springs and Big Horn Mountains Wilderness Areas located in the Big Horn Mountains. Few trails seem to enter the mountains and I was not about to get stranded or stuck in such a desolate area, but less than 60 miles from the 5th largest city in the U.S.!

A local rockhound I met at a Tucson show told me about an old lead-silver-gold mine, the Moon Anchor, located just to the east of the Wilderness Areas. He thought that perhaps the dump was still open to rockhounds with a chance to collect maricopaite. Named after Maricopa County and with a nifty name like the Moon Anchor (perhaps the author of the name had “accidentally ingested some of the local Sacred Datura), who could resist a visit?

Open saucer-size flower of the saucer of Sacred Datura, known to western ranchers as Jimson Weed. All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of anticholinergic tropane alkaloids and may be fatal if ingested by humans, livestock, or pets. Public Domain photo.

So off I went but was unable to get my vehicle to the mine due to “washouts” in the trail. As previously stated, I did not want to get stranded since my knees would not allow a long walk-about as they might have endured in the past. But all was not lost as I was able to purchase a specimen of maricopaite [Pb7Ca2(Si,Al)48O100-32H2O] collected from the only known locality in the world--the Moon Anchor. Interestingly, maricopaite is a zeolite mineral, and according to MinDat, is the only known natural zeolite with lead as an essential cation. Under a scope the mineral appears as soft (~1.0--1.5 Mohs) sprays of translucent, white, acicular crystals, thin bundles of extremely elongate acicular crystals, and mats with admixed mimetite.This strange, rare, little mineral seems to pair quite nicely with the sacred Datura and the saguaro cactus.

Sprays and scattered individual maricopaite crystals. FOV ~1.8 cm.


Sprays and sheaths of maricopaite crystals. FOV ~1.1 cm.

For a visual description of the Moon Anchor Mine check out the you-tube video shot by Steven Cyros at :