Mention the term “Dugway” in Utah, and other western
states, and two pictures probably come to mind.
One is the vast piece of Federal land called the Dugway Proving Range, a
US Army facility dedicated to the testing of biological and chemical weapons,
and overflights by planes of the US Air Force dropping “things” and shooting up
the target range. I “believe” these
activities are going on out there; however, the area is the home of intensively
secret activities and the security is extremely “tight!” Their Mission Statement: "As the nation's Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB) for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE), Dugway Proving Ground facilitates testing, evaluation, and training for our nation's elite forces and first responders through our capable workforce, high desert venues, and facilities." I love the government acronyms!
During my student time
at the University of Utah (late 1960s) some of my fellow students decided to
take a mineral collecting trip out to the West Desert. They evidently strayed off public land and
into the Proving Grounds. As they later
stated to me—“there were lots of guys with big guns and mean dogs pouring out
of a helicopter and coming for us.” As I
understand, these erstwhile rockhounds were questioned and turned loose and
told never to return.
The second remembrance of people is the Dugway geode
so available to the rockhounds along the southern end of the Dugway Range and
south of the Proving Grounds. The geodes
are somewhat famous and thousands have been collected off BLM land. The original home of the geodes was in a
Miocene (~6-8 Ma) rhyolite, an extrusive igneous rock (fine grain) that is
potassium- and silica-rich. However, the
collecting of geodes takes place in sediments of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville
located west of the Range. It seems that
wave action from this large Pleistocene lake eroded the geodes from the
rhyolite and redeposited them in the very soft lake sediments, a fortuitous
event for rockhounds---no digging and cracking the hard rhyolite.
The geodes range from nice hollow “balls” to forms
that are completely filled with varieties of quartz (thunderegg) to forms that
have two or more hollow areas. The
specimen I have left in my collection is nicely banded like an agate but is
mostly (~85%) filled with quartz but also contains two major and one minor
The Dugway Range also has a number of old and
sometimes abandoned mines that mostly were concerned with copper, gold, silver,
zinc and lead. The two largest
operations were the Four Metals Mine and the Rainbow Mine. One forgotten smaller
mine is the Bertha Mine where copper was the primary target and lead a secondary
Stattz and Carr (1964) described the geology of the region as: “The
Bertha property is in dolomite of unknown age in the southeast end of a graben
between two upfaulted blocks of Prospect Mountain quartzite [Cambrian in age]…The
main ore ·deposit on the Bertha claim is a large irregular body of pyritic
copper ore formed by replacement of the brown dolomite along ·fractures that in
general parallel the two main boundary faults [although MinDat noted the Deer
Peak Volcanics and a breccia pipe of porphyry and gneiss also served as host
rocks for mineralization]…Near the surface the ore body has been oxidized to a
brown limonitic gossan…and in places small patches of covellite and malachite
[occur]. A polished section shows that the ore consists chiefly of pyrite and
hematite in dark-green to black claylike material. Hematite occurs in flat
plates and clots which may replace the pyrite… Chalcanthite was noted on the
walls of the adit in several places… A chip sample taken around the edge of the
stope at the southeast end of the adit contained 3.7. percent copper and 1.2
percent lead.”
As best that I can understand the Bertha was never a
large producer of good ore and few people visit the area today. MinDat listed a small suite of six valid
minerals collected from the Bertha Mine (AKA Dugway Property): bornite [Cu5FeS4],
chalcopyrite [CuFeS2], covellite [CuS], galena [PbS], pyrite [FeS2]
and chalcanthite [CuSO4-5H2O]. However, at a small show in Denver last month
I was sorting through minerals that were not displayed on the “top shelf” and
located a really nice specimen of antlerite, a copper sulfate hydroxide [Cu3(SO4)(OH)4].
Antlerite is a rare secondary mineral formed in the
oxidized zone of copper deposits…[and was named for] the Antler mine in Mohave
County, [Arizona]…the type locality (Anthony and others, 1995). So, the primary copper minerals in the
hypogene (sulfides [contain S] like bornite, chalcopyrite, covellite) weathered
and formed copper sulfates [contain SO4] including antlerite, Cu3(SO4)(OH)4,
brochantite, Cu4(SO4)(OH)6, and posnjakite, Cu4SO4(OH)6·H2O. Bronchanite, commonly confused with antlerite,
precipitates in low temperatures, antlerite in more elevated temperatures (Zattleu
and others, 2013).
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Crystal forms of antlerite as defined by Palache
(1939). At that time #1 was known from
Bisbee, AZ while the remainder were from Chuquicmata, Chile. All are Orthorhombic.
Antlerite is some shade of green in color--emerald,
light green, black green--as are many copper minerals, and has a light green
streak. Crystals are soft at ~3.0+
(Mohs), have a vitreous luster, and are usually transparent. According to MinDat the crystal morphology is
varies: commonly thick tabular [but] also equant or short prismatic [and]… as
cross-fiber veinlets or friable interlaced aggregates of acicular or fibrous
crystals; felt-like; granular.
People who visit the lonely Dugway Range might be a
fan of the Allman Brothers who crooned one of my favorite traveling songs:
Lord, I was born
a ramblin’ man
Tryin” to make a
livin” and doin’ the best I can
And when its
time for leavin”
I hope you’ll
That I was born
a rambling” man.
Anthony, J.W., S.A. Williams, R.A Bideaux and R.W. Grant,
1995, Mineralogy of Arizona: The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Palache, C.I., 1939, Antlerite (Bisbee):
American Mineralogist, v.24.
Staatz, M.H. and W.J. Carr, 1964, Geology and mineral deposits of the Thomas
and Dugway Ranges, Juab and Tooele Counties, Utah: US Geological Survey
Professional Paper 415.
Zitlau, A.H., Q. Shi, J. Boerio-Goates,
B.F. Woodfield and J. Maizlan, 2013, Thermodynamics of the basic copper
sulfates antlerite, posnjakite, and brochantite: Chemie der Erde—Geochemistry,
v. 73, # 1.