One of the most famous
mining districts in Utah is located about 50 miles south-southeast of Salt Lake
City on the west central slope of the East Tintic Mountains. The mountains are part of the Basin and Range
Physiographic Province and connect the Oquirrh Mountains to the north (also
Basin and Range mountains and the range visible directly to the west of Salt Lake
City) and the Canyon Range to the south. The highest point in the range
is Boulter peak at 8,308 feet. The "major" town is Eureka, now a much smaller community than the mining and financial
center it was in the late 1800s.
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Satellite image of Utah showing location of Tintic Mining District and Salt Lake City. Image courtesy of Ray Sterner, Johns Hopkins University. |
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Google Earth image© of
Tintic Mining District including Mammoth Mine. Utah Lake is the large
body of water in the northeast.
The Tintic Mining District
was discovered in ~1869 and its geology/mineralogy was summarized by Wilson (1995) who noted the presence of ~175 species of minerals…”Much
of the production of siliceous ore in the district [was] utilized by smelters in
Tooele and Salt Lake City to mix with more iron-rich ores of Bingham. Tintic has produced gold, silver, lead,
copper, iron and zinc as its major commodities.” Morris (1968) noted the primary ores
consisted of “sulfides and sulfosalts of silver, lead, copper, iron, zinc and
bismuth in association with jasperoid (silicified carbonate rock), barite,
aggregates of quartz crystals, calcite, dolomite, and ankerite…gold is locally
common…” In addition, the Centennial
Mine in the District is the type locality of eurekadumpite, perhaps my favorite mineral name!
Morris and Lovering (1979)
described the general geology of the Tintic area as “… consisting of the eroded
flank of a composite volcano, which, during the Oligocene, buried a preexisting
mountain range that had been carved from folded and faulted Paleozoic
sedimentary rocks. During this volcanic
episode many stocks, plugs, dikes and other intrusive bodies were injected into
both the sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
As the Oligocene volcanic and intrusive episode subsided, great volumes
of hydrothermal solutions coursed through the rocks, chiefly among faults and
fissures eventually depositing large replacement ore bodies and veins that
occur almost exclusively in the sedimentary rocks underneath the hydrothermally
altered lavas.”
So, several large
volcanoes erupted in the Tintic area (and much of western Utah) during the early
Oligocene (Hintze and Kowallis, 2009) and covered Paleozoic rocks that were
folded and faulted by an earlier mountain building event termed the Sevier
Orogeny (Cretaceous). During the later
Oligocene these volcanoes begin collapsing and large calderas formed. The hydrothermal solutions associated with
the volcanics followed the cracks and faults in the Paleozoic rocks and helped
dissolve portions of the limestones. As
these solutions cooled the minerals begin to crystallize forming the ore bodies
in the limestone.
There are several mines in
the Tintic District, including the Mammoth Mine. At one time this mine supported
the community of Mammoth, now essentially a ghost town. The Mammoth produced silver and gold but also a
host of unusual and rare minerals including tyrolite. For many years the dumps at the Mammoth were
available for collecting by rockhounds; however, I am uncertain about current collecting
access, rules and regulations.
Tyrolite is an uncommon to
rare calcium copper arsenate carbonate with the chemical formula of Ca2Cu9(AsO4)4(CO3)(OH)8-11H2O. Tyrolite is very soft (1.5-2.0 Mohs) and
forms glassy to silky to pearly, blue to blue-green to turquoise to light green,
feathery to botryoidal masses of radiating crystals. In thin layers the crystals are translucent. It does effervesce in hydrochloric acid indicating
the presence of carbonate (CO3).
Tangdanite is a similar mineral where the sulfate radical (SO4)
replaces the carbonate.
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Specimen of leafy green
tyrolite along with the azure blue azurite; broad view. Width of view ~1.6 cm.
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Photomicrograph of radiating
tyrolite crystals; width of crystals ~2 mm.
Tyrolite is a secondary
mineral (supergene) found in the oxidized zones of copper sulfide deposits
where the ore contains both arsenic and copper and perhaps oxidized from something like the hypogene
ores tennantite (Cu12As4S13) or enargite (Cu3AsS4). Tyrolite often
is associated with azurite, a copper carbonate.
Mostly, tyrolite is just
one of those uncommon, colorful, and somewhat “strange” arsenates that I love
to collect. In addition, it is part of
an entire suite of rather rare minerals coming from the Mammoth Mine and its
associates in the Tintic Mining District.
Hintze, L.F. and B.J. Kowallis, 2009, Geologic
History of Utah: Brigham Young University Geology Studies, Special Publication
Morris, H.T., 1968, the Main Tintic Mining District,
Utah in Ore Deposits of the United
States, 1933-1967: American Institute of Mining Engineers, Graton-Sales Volume,
New York, v. 2.
Morris, H.T., and Lovering, T.S. (1979), General
Geology and Mines of the East Tintic Mining District, Utah and Juab Counties,
Utah: USGS Professional Paper 1024.
Wilson, J.R., 1995, A Collector’s Guide to Rock,
Mineral & fossil Localities of Utah: Utah Geological Survey, Misc. Publication