OK, so the zinc-copper cations may substitute for
each other but what about the arsenate radical?
As noted in other Blogs (and numerous professional publications by
mineralogists) the PO4 and AsO4 radicals are about the
same size and with similar electron configurations and do substitute for each
other in the Olivenite—Libethenite Series Cu2(AsO4)(OH)---Cu2(PO4)(OH).
Libethenite then has the arsenate radical (of
olivenite) replaced by PO4 and the crystal symmetry has changed to
Orthorhombic to Monoclinic. It is a
rather rare/uncommon mineral but again is found as a secondary mineral in the
oxidation zone of copper ore deposits. Some
unnamed copper mineral supplies the copper while the phosphate is usually derived
from the weathering of apatite or perhaps monazite or xenotime (rare earth
phosphates) ( Cuprian adamite, Mapimi, Mexico. Width FOV ~7 cm.
I have three different specimens of Libethenite displaying
beautiful green (often emerald-green or olive-green), crystals with a vitreous
luster that are translucent to transparent.
Although they have a hardness of around 4.0 (Mohs), individuals are
quite brittle and fracture rather easily.
One specimen from near Ray, Arizona (Ray Mine), has sort of squat/equant
crystals with some wedge-shaped terminations.
A second specimen from Morenci, Copper Mountain District, Arizona, has
small sprays of elongated prismatic crystals.
The third, from near Lordsburg, New Mexico , is a large specimen (5.5 x
6.0 cm) with one side covered with a mass of individual, acicular, striated,
bladed and terminated crystals---a really gorgeous specimen.
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Photomicrograph. Mass of libethenite. Individual
crystals are ~1--2mm in length. It is
tough to provide quality photos of dark colored and vitreous crystals.
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Photomicrograph of individual libethenite
crystal. Length of the centered individual
crystal ~1 mm.
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Spray of libethenite crystals. Length of spray ~1 mm.
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Spray of libethenite crystals. Length of spray ~.4 mm.
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Mass of small libethenite crystals that are
non-acicular. Each individual mass is
~1.4 mm in width.
As far as I can determine, there are no officially
recognized intermediate minerals in the Olivenite-Libethenite Series.
Cornwallite, also a copper arsenate [Cu5(AsO4)2(OH)4
[see Blogs January 3, 2015 and June 8, 2014], has an isostructural relationship
(is in a series) with the phosphate pseudomalachite [Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4].
That is, they have the same crystal
structure (both are Monoclinic) but different chemistries—the phosphate and
arsenate radicals. I cannot find
evidence of an intermediate member in this series.
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Crystals of green cornwallite. Width FOV ~1.0 cm. |
Cornwallite is a
secondary mineral found in the oxidized zones of copper sulfide deposits where
the ores contain both arsenic and copper and perhaps oxidized from something
like tennantite (Cu12As4S13) or enargite (Cu3AsS4). Most cornwallite occurs as botryoidal to
globular crusts of microcrystalline radiating fibers. The dominate color is essentially an emerald
Pseudomalachite is commonly
a blue-green to emerald-green, usually compact or botryoidal, mass of
non-descript and microscopic crystals. It has a hardness (Mohs) of 4.5 or less,
and has a variety of habits: “commonly compact radiating and
spherical, may be fibrous, in paintlike crusts and films, botryoidal, massive”
(; and crystals in microscopic prismatic radiating
clusters. With a strong light and magnification, the botryoids are translucent
to transparent and have a vitreous luster.
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Crust of pseudomalachite. Width of specimen ~5.5 cm.
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Photomicrograph pseudo botryoids (P) encrusted on chrysocolla.Width FOV ~1.9 cm.
Pseudomalachite is a secondary phosphate found in
the oxidized zones of copper ore deposits, at times in association with true
malachite [Cu2(CO3(OH)2]. The botryoids of pseudomalachite appear
visually similar to botryoidal malachite; however, this type of malachite
usually displays light and dark green banding.
In addition, as a carbonate, malachite will react to hydrochloric acid.
So, this is today’s contribution to my elementary
understanding of mineral series and nice green arsenates and phosphates. It is not anything earth shattering, but I
enjoyed the learning aspect!
can only do your best. That’s all you
can do. And if that isn’t good enough,
it isn’t good enough.
Imelda Staunton
Braithwaite, R.S.W., 1983, Infrared spectroscopic
analysis of the olivenite-adamite series, and of phosphate substitution in
olivenite: Mineralogical Magazine, v. 47.
Chukanov, N.V., D.Y Pushcharovsky, N.V. Zubkova,
I.V. Pekov, M. merlina, S. M
ckel, M.K. Rabadanov, and
D.I. Belakovskiv, 2007, Zincolivenite
CuZn(AsO4)(OH): A new adamite-group mineral with ordered
distribution of Cu and Zn: Doklady Akademii Nauk, V. 415, No. 3.

Trites, A.F., Jr., and R.H. Thurston, 1958, Geology
of Majuba Hill, Pershing County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin