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Gold panning brings many visitors to
the Arkansas River and prospectors should be aware of special regulations and
the fact that some claimed land exists along the river corridor. Travelers interested in prospecting might want to examine the BLM's LR2000 database (www.blm.gov/lr2000) or contact the public room at the BLM state office for additional information (303-239-3600). Another way to enjoy panning on the River is to join one of the local "gold clubs" such as Gold Prospectors of Colorado (www.gpoc.com) and participate in club activities.
The geology of the upper Arkansas River valley is
interesting to say the least. On the
west side of the valley lays the Sawatch Range with 15 peaks, including Mt.
Elbert (at 14,433 feet Colorado’s highest), exceeding 14k feet. The Valley is
at an approximate elevation of ~7600 so there is a topographic relief of nearly
6800 feet. The Sawatch Range is a large Laramide (refers to a crustal shortening mountain building event in
the late Cretaceous and early Tertiary, ~72-~50 my) anticlinal structure that
at one time included the southern part of the Mosquito Range east across the
Arkansas River. During the late Tertiary, a crustal extensional event culminated in a series of block faulted mountains
and basins in central Colorado. The major topographic and structural feature in
Colorado is the Rio Grande Rift Zone that trends from near El Paso, TX, to near
Kremling, CO. The Rio Grande River in New Mexico and Colorado, and the upper
Arkansas and Blue rivers in Colorado all flow in grabens created in the fault
system. A graben is a down-dropped valley created by parallel faults on
either side of the valley. The rift system in the upper Arkansas River
valley effectively split the Sawatch Anticline into two segments: the Sawatch
and the Mosquito Ranges, separated by the Arkansas River. This, and
later, faulting helped create the spectacular topographic relief between the
river valley and the mountains—Elbert, and other mountains, simply seem to rise
straight up out of the valley.
One particular area of interest for recreational placer
miners along the upper Arkansas is an area known as Cache Creek. Located near Granite, CO, along a creek flowing
into the Arkansas with the same name, the placer area has a long history of
producing gold. Discovered in 1859, the
gravels were first worked with pans and hand sluices but low summer water flow in the creek hindered
operations. By 1863 water ditches
diverting water had been dug and by 1889 hydraulic mining was dislodging
tremendous amounts of gravel with major water resources being piped over the
divide from Clear Creek to the south.
Most production had shut down by 1911 when Canon City and Pueblo successfully
sued the gold companies for degrading (high sediment load) the water in the
Arkansas River. The BLM believes this
was the first successful environmental lawsuit in Colorado.
As with many/most former and “old” mining areas,
fine gold was left behind by the hydraulic miners in the spoils area. And, for
nearly 100 years the area was visited, on a somewhat sporadic basis, for
recreational panning. In 2000, the BLM acquired
in excess of 2100 acres from the Conservation Fund. The original goal of the BLM, in acquiring
the acreage, was to help protect critical elk and riparian areas along the
creek; recreational access was secondary in nature.
Since the Cache Creek acreage was acquired through a
“recent direct purchase”, the General Mining Laws (43 CFR 3809) do not apply---the land
cannot be claimed by private individuals or groups. So, the BLM assumed that placering usage at
Cache Creek would remain low (180 operating days) and therefore allowed the use
of mechanical sluicing or high banking in a 26 acre core area. The agency envisioned small scale
recreational panning and sort of a “family orientated” activity.
Wrong. The “recession”
arrived, the economy tanked, the price of gold skyrocketed, and miners were somewhat
successful. In addition, Cache Creek was
well advertised in “prospecting magazines/journals” and on television and soon
the place was crowded and any semblance of habitat was being destroyed,
especially in the 26 acre core area. People
arrived from all parts of the U.S., many staying for the entire season (Memorial
Day to the end of November). Cache Creek
was “in trouble”: trees were being
undercut and presented a danger to miners, “coyote holes” were dug and in danger
of collapsing, water was being illegally diverted from private lands upslope
from the BLM plot, sedimentation was vastly increasing, and miners were often
in conflict with each other. Cache Creek
often resembled the boom mining areas of 150 years ago!
The BLM needed to take steps to control the
situation and begin doing so at the start of this decade: a camp host was
installed to help with dispersed camping problems and try to answer questions
of visitors, undercut tree were eliminated and other large trees were marked
with orange rings to signify “no undercutting”, law enforcement and other BLM
personnel made more frequent visits, and mechanical sluicing (high banking) was
eliminated. “Things” have improved but
the BLM needs to formulate additional plans and locate resources to pay for the
mitigation. For example, usage remains
high, increased sedimentation is an increasing problem, and the diversion of
water on private land seems illegal (my opinion). The RAC and the Royal Gorge Field Office will
work together to formulate options.