Colorado is blessed to have
a wide variety of igneous rocks exposed in the central and western part of the
state. These are rocks that originated
deep in the earth as liquid magma and then cooled and solidified either below
the surface of the earth (intrusive) or on the surface of the earth
(extrusive). The latter are commonly
known as volcanic rocks and since they cool very rapidly the individual mineral
grains are tiny and magnification must be used to observe the minerals. In fact, obsidian cools so rapidly that
individual crystals are absent from the structure. These extrusive rocks are “extruded” by
explosive volcanoes, or as flows.
In contrast, intrusive
igneous rocks “intrude” into preexisting rocks and cool very slowly. Granite is a common intrusive igneous rock
and one can easily see the individual grains of feldspar, quartz, and iron
minerals in samples of the local Pikes Peak Granite. Pegmatites develop near the margins of the
magma chamber and cool very, very slowly.
Therefore, crystals can grow quite large; hence, the reported four foot
crystals of smoky quartz near Devil’s Head (Pikes Peak pegmatites), and spodumene
“logs” in South Dakota (Black Hills pegmatites) approaching 50 feet in length.
Geologists apply a wide variety of names to
bodies of intrusive igneous rocks (plutons) including concordant (intrusive
rocks are parallel to bedding planes) and discordant (intrusive rocks cut
across preexisting rocks). Further terms
include (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusion):
- batholith:
large irregular discordant intrusions.
- stock:
smaller irregular discordant intrusions.
- dike:
a relatively narrow tabular discordant body, often with near-vertical
- sill:
a relatively thin tabular concordant body intruded along bedding planes,
often near-horizontal when emplaced, but may be intruded into tilted beds
or the entire package may be tilted by later deformation.
- pipe
or volcanic neck: circular or tube shaped nearly vertical body which may
have been a feeder vent for a volcano.
- laccolith:
concordant body with essentially flat base and dome shaped upper surface,
usually has a feeder pipe below.
- lopolith:
concordant body with a relatively flat to sagging top and a shallow convex
base (spoon-shaped), may have a feeder dike or pipe below.
- phacolith:
concordant lens-shaped pluton that typically occupies the crest of an
anticline or the trough of a syncline.
To me, the most scenic
plutons are the igneous dikes intruded into preexisting sedimentary rocks. Dikes intruded into igneous or metamorphic
rocks are usually of a similar hardness as the host rock and usually the
weathering is similar. However, dikes
intruded into sedimentary rocks are almost always harder than the host rock and
therefore tend to erode at a slower rate.
As a result, the dikes become topographic features and are readily
noticed. The most famous dikes in
Colorado are those radial dikes associated with the Spanish Peaks in southern
Colorado near La Veta. In fact, these
may be the most famous dike swarm in the United States.
However, I prefer my dikes to
be infamous, unnamed, startling, surprising, and just something that will
“knock your socks off” when driving a back- country road. Such dikes are found north of Granby on
lightly traveled Colorado Highway 125 near Willow Creek Pass.
Colorado 125 intersects with
US 40 slightly west of Granby (three miles) and then generally follows Willow
Creek north from the intersection until it reaches the Pass in approximately
21.5 miles. Along the way the road cuts
through several exposures of the late Cretaceous Pierre Shale and the overlying
basin fill rocks (arkosic sandstone, conglomerate, shale and some coal)
assigned to the Coalmont Formation (Paleocene –Eocene) (Tweto, 1979). Geologically, the Pass is interesting as it
is near the intersection of North Park and South Park, bounded on the east by
the Never Summer Range and on the west by the Rabbit Ears volcanics. At 9621 feet it is one of the lowest places
along the Continental Divide in Colorado.
After summiting the Pass, the road continues on for about 52 miles
through Walden and finally to the Colorado-Wyoming border. The scenery is spectacular for the entire
There are several dikes
exposed near Willow Creek Pass at approximately Mile Markers 18.2, 20.2, 20.7, 21.4, 21.8, 21.9 (Donnell, 1960 and see geologic maps of Tweto,
1979 and Toth and Soullier, 2000). The
rocks composing the dikes appear to be dacitic (high in plagioclase feldspar
and iron and magnesium minerals) to rhyolitic (high silica and low iron and
magnesium); all are porphyritic in texture (Toth and Soullier, 2000). Porphyritic rocks have large grained crystals
(phenocrysts) set in a fine- grained matrix and probably indicate the cooling
of the magma in two different stages.
Immediately to the east of the dikes is Radial Mountain at 11,240
feet. Although I could not locate
information as to the naming of this peak, it appears that the dikes radiate
out from the summit (for an interesting view see Google Maps at http://maps.google.com/ and zoom in on
Willow Creek Pass on both the Terrain and Satellite programs), an outcrop of
rocks similar to the dikes (Tweto, 1979).
Toth and Soullier (2000) believe the dikes are probably Oligocene in
age, perhaps 24-28.8 Ma. They may be
related to crustal extension associated with the Rio Grande Rift to the south.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Willow Creek dikes is
that these quite hard igneous rocks are intruded into the easily
erodible Coalmont Formation. Therefore, the dikes stand out in
high relief and cause the reaction: “Whoa! Stop the car. What is
the world is that”. Colorado 125 is a beautiful back-country road
with some “up-close” geology available for all to observe. So think
about doing what Steve Miller sang: Goin' to the country and
leavin' right away. No time to talk I got to make a getaway.
Donnell, J. R. Geological Road Logs of Colorado: Denver, Rocky
Mountain Association of Geologists, 1960.
Toth, M.I., and S. J. Soullier. Geology in Bankey, V., Soullier, S. J.,
and Toth, M. I., eds. Mineral Resource Potential and Geology of
the Routt National Forest and Middle Park Ranger District of the
Arapaho National Forest, Colorado: U. S. Geological Survey
Professional Paper 1610, 2000.
Tweto, Ogden. Geologic Map of Colorado. U.S.
Geological Survey
State Map Series, scale 1:500,000.