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Microcrystal of epidote on calcite, height ~4 mm. |
It was the warmest day of 2013 and an invitation for
a field trip was too much to pass up! So
off I went with Mr. Rockounding the Rockies and Diggin’ Bob. Both of these collectors concentrate on Pikes
Peak amazonite and smoky quartz, and both are quite successful. Our destination at this time was the Calumet
Iron Mine near Salida in Chaffee County, a locality famous for crystals of
epidote and diopside-actinolite (see blog posting December 8, 2012: Diopside-Actinolite at the Calumet Mine). However, Calumet is also home to Colorado’s
most famous sapphire locality!
I had noted in my previous blog that after being
unable to locate the sapphire during my trip in October 2012, I was going to
return and try again. Diggin’ Bob was
after some of the gemmy clear quartz crystals while Mr. Rockhounding was looking
for any crystals. The quartz is found as small, loose, but terminated crystals
located in pockets of generally decomposed bedrock. Holmes and Kennedy (1983) noted that at times
the crystals do reach six inches in length, often with epidote fibers as
inclusions. However, those larger crystals are the exception rather than the
The day was sunny, warm and beautiful at the mine--elevation
of about 8900 feet. With shimmering snow
on the peaks, the Sawatch Range pushed into the blue sky west
across the Arkansas River Valley.
So, I was after the elusive sapphire! Eckel and others (1997) adequately describe
the occurrence of sapphire at Calumet: Corundum,
ranging from pale to deep blue in color, occurs as thin, rough, rhombohedral
plates…in a feldspar-quartz-muscovite schist…comprises as much as 40% of the
corundum bearing ledge, which is only one foot in thickness…extends northward
up the mountain side. One would
think that with a description like that, the sapphire could be easily located
by a rockhound. Turns out that was a
wrong assumption. I spent most of the
day walking up and down the mountain prospecting for the ledge---didn’t find
it! Finally, in mid-afternoon I decided
to check out some of the epidote down in the main area of the mine.
I love green minerals and the pistachio green color
of epidote is just beautiful, although the color does range down into a dark
green (that almost appears black). At
the Calumet some of the epidote is massive in nature and appears to comprise
entire basketball size specimens. On
other rock faces the mineral is more of a “smear” but covers many square feet
of surface. There are also numerous veins
of crystalline epidote, some almost “pure” but others mixed with crystals of
quartz and calcite. The veins appear to
be fractures or joints that represent infilling by secondary
mineralization. At any rate, from a viewing
distance hiking up to the mine, part of the quarry wall appears green in color—a
nice sight.
So, epidote covered limestone was everywhere to
collect but I also located loose crystals that had weathered out of the country
rock; however, these were small compared to Eckel and others (1997) description
of individuals two inches in length.
Epidote [Ca2(Fe,Al)3(SiO4)3(OH)]
is one of those minerals that is quite easy to identify due to its
pistachio-to-dark-green color, prismatic and deeply striated crystals. Hardness
ranges between 6 and 7 (Mohs) and most crystals have a rather vitreous luster.
It is a common mineral wherever metamorphism has reached calcareous rock---like
the Leadville Limestone at Calumet. Epidote forms a solid solution series with
clinozoisite [Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)] as
Al replaces the iron. This latter mineral is pale green or light brown in
color. If manganese is added to the formula then the mineral piemontite is
created: (Ca2)(Al2Mn)(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH).
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Leadville Limestone with surface covered by epidote and actinolite crystals. Calcite crystal in a vug. US quarter for scale. |
While examining the mine face for epidote, I whacked
off a chunk of the igneous rock (the Tertiary intrusive), rather than the
altered Leadville Limestone and noticed a couple of the specimen faces exposing
many tiny crystals. Even with my numerous
color deficiencies (bad color blindness—not good for a geologist) I could use
the hand lens and see blue and/or purple and/or rose in some of the crystals. This was exciting! I looked for other samples lying around but
seemed unsuccessful. I carefully wrapped
up the rock and packed it for examination at home—with the help of a microscope.
In addition to the epidote, actinolite and sapphire,
garnet is reported from the mine, often occurring with actinolite. Holmes and
Kennedy (1983) believed it to be grossular (variety hessonite) as did Eckel and
others (1997), but no variety. I collected a small specimen (~2.5 x 3 cm) of
what I think are garnets and actinolite. However, the stones are far from
lustrous, as noted in Eckel and others (1997). Perhaps I misidentified the
Calumet is an old iron mine and evidence of iron ore
is conspicuous. The major mining mineral
was magnetite occupying a massive vertical vein cutting across most rock units. Mining was accomplished both via underground shafts
and open pit. According to Holmes and Kennedy
(1983) the amount of undesirable pyrite increased with depth of the paying vein
(and less magnetite). During the peak
mining period in the late 1800’s the ore ran as high as 64% iron and mining
evidently ceased when iron content reached ~43%. Today, small crystals of magnetite are readily
available and desirable specimens include clusters of crystals, as well as an occasional
larger and loose specimen with well-positioned crystal faces.
There are a variety of other mineral collected from
the Calumet Mine, most uncommon. If
interested, check out www.mindat.org. In addition, check the blog noted above for
information on the stratigraphy and the diopside—actinolite—“uralite” specimens.
The sun was getting lower in the sky so it was time
to begin the trek back down the 700 feet to the vehicle—much easier than the
climb up but still somewhat unsteady at times due to several pounds of rocks in
the backpack!
Hand specimen of coarse-grained marble ~ 17 cm length. |
However, the collecting day was not quite over as we
headed down the road to a report of marble cropping out in the hillside. Locals seem to refer to the area as Marble Gulch;
however, I was unable to find out much information about the mine(s), the
geology, and the period of mining. The
marble is a very coarse rock and I suspect, but am uncertain, that the quarried
rock was used in landscaping. I also am
uncertain about land ownership so we refrained from collecting---plenty of hand
specimens littered the roadway (after falling from quarry trucks).
One of the day’s highlights, other than a fantastic
day in the field, was the presence of a dozen Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) along the road. Now, that was a great finale.
After returning home I grabbed the specimens and
examined them with a microscope—both digital and stereo zoom. I am convinced (mostly) that these tiny
crystals are sapphire—for several reasons.
The color is unusual, pink, blue, purple, and these colors do not fit
other minerals noted from Calumet. Some
of the crystals are broken and a barrel shaped (six-sided) crystal form is
notable. Other crystals are exposed as
acicular and prismatic, some with a dipyramidal termination. However, other authors have noted the
sapphire occurs as larger bright-blue nail heads (the barrel shape), and is
present in the dark-colored schist above the mine. So, if readers have suggestions, I always
appreciate comments. Until then I will
call them sapphires—and will return again until I locate the garnet bed and the
sapphire schist!
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On above three photomicrographs note the rose-colored, six- sided crystal cross sections. Each is ~1.5 mm in width. |
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Photomicrograph, width ~9 mm.. Blue, almost massive crystals. |
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Photomicrograph. Acicular and prismatic crystals. Largest crystal ~2.5 mm. |
Eckel, E. B. and others, 1997, Minerals of Colorado:
Golden, CO, Fulcrum Publishing and Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Holmes, R. W. and M. B. Kennedy, 1983, Mines and
Minerals of the Great American Rift (Colorado—New Mexico): New York, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Company.
Glad you enjoyed it. I an still after larger sapphires when the weather warms. Life is good.
ReplyDeleteHey I wanted to talk to you about the best sapphires found in Colorado and maybe exchange some photos for some insight? My email is gypsygoes@gmail.com please contact me
ReplyDeleteHey I wanted to talk to you about the best sapphires found in Colorado and maybe exchange some photos for some insight? My email is gypsygoes@gmail.com please contact me