During my early career as a paleontologist I
struggled with how to depict small rodent teeth in professional
publications. How does an author present
“what the teeth look like” to a professional audience? This was "a long time ago" before digital
photomicrographs, or even before third tube stereomicroscopes allowed for the
addition of a film camera. I tried
close-up lenses and bellows but without much success. Then, a more seasoned paleontologist
introduced me to a camera lucida.
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Artist using a version of a camera lucida. Paleontologists and other scientists use a
camera lucida that attaches to a stereomicroscope tube.
This device, fitted on a stereomicroscope tube,
allowed an optical superimposition of the tooth being viewed onto an adjacent
piece of paper. I then was able to view
the tooth and at the same time sketch the object on the paper and render an
accurate depiction of the fossil. Wow,
this was a major accomplishment.
So, in those early days I depended a great deal upon
this unique device. In fact, I used it
extensively until the Scanning Electron Microscope came along and made life a
little easier. In later years, I begin
to wonder---who was the person responsible for “inventing” the device? Was it an artist? A scientist?
Some other investigator?
It turns out that a chemist-physicist by the name of
William Hyde Wollaston (England; 1866-1828) was responsible for the camera
lucida. And, the interesting secondary
part of the story is that Wollaston was a world-class scientist (also a
practicing physician) and responsible for a number of scientific
discoveries. Perhaps he is best known
for discovering the chemical elements palladium (Pd) and rhodium (Rh)---not bad
considering there are only 100 or so elements known! He made a large amount of money by developing
and putting into practice a method for purifying platinum and dabbled in trying
to understand electricity and batteries and their relationships to electric
motors. He also worked with optics
trying to determine the elements present in the sun, and developed a reflecting
goniometer (mineralogist use such to measure crystal angles). And, of course he discovered some specific camera
lenses, and the camera lucida in 1812.
Wollaston was an intellectual heavyweight.
After reading an abbreviated bibliography of
Wollaston, my mind jumped back to the world of rockhounding and a mineral
called wollastonite (CaSiO3)---certainly it must be named after the
famous scientist. I remembered it being some sort of an interesting mineral that combined calcium (but not much
carbonate) and the silicate compound, affectingly termed a calc-silicate by
mineralogists. Other members of that group include such minerals as diopside [CaMg(Si2O6)] and
grossular (Ca3Al2(SiO4)3]. The
calc-silicates generally are associated with impure metamorphic limestones and
dolomites, and seem especially common in skarns—the contact zone around igneous
intrusions and carbonates.
Wollastonite is usually white in color, in fact a
bright white, or at times rather colorless (although other colors exist), with
a hardness of 5 or slightly less (Mohs).
The colorless variety is transparent while the colored crystals are
translucent to slightly opaque. Much/most
of the time it is massive in nature with few observable crystals, and has a
cleavage of ~90o in two directions.
The luster is vitreous to pearly.
I thought that the specimen in my collection was a mass of small
crystals; however, upon reading descriptions, and re-observing with a scope, it
appears to be a mass of tabular/bladed, splintery, cleaved surfaces.
I had really never wondered about commercial uses of
wollastonite until composing this posting—but I found the answers from an
economic geologist quite interesting. It
is quite important in the manufacture of tile and ceramics, plastics, and
The specimen in my collection came from the famous
Crestmore Quarry near Riverside, California.
describes the geology as: Two
irregular, very roughly parallel, lenticular bodies of magnesium-rich limestone
of Mississippian age were deposited, each approximately 400 feet thick, and
whose principal portions … conforms to the trend of the Peninsular Range to the
south, and is almost perpendicular to that of certain other metamorphic rocks
near Riverside. The lower is the Chino Limestone and the upper is the Sky Blue
Limestone. They are separated by gneissic hornfelses, quartz-mica schists and
diorite. The beds were metamorphosed and recrystallized into marble during the
early Triassic. Several later magmatic intrusions produced a complex suite of
contact metamorphic minerals. In
addition, on their website I count something close to 150 different minerals
collected from the quarries. Wow.
I have one other specimen from Crestmore that also
is quite interesting-- torbermorite. I picked
this up since I didn’t have the slightest idea what the specimen
represented, and part of it was a beautiful sky blue in color! Who could pass up a two dollar specimen with
an interesting sounding name and a nice color?
As it turns out, torbermorite is also a calc-silicate,
sort of: Ca5Si6O16(OH)2-4H2O.
It has the calcium and the silicate
along with the hydroxyl group (OH) and water (H2O). On my specimen it turns out that the sky blue
section is calcite (CaCO3) while torbermorite is a white,
translucent, soft (2.5 Mohs) bundle of tiny laths. Although I certainly am not familiar with the
mineral, it seems not uncommon in areas of metamorphosed carbonates.
But wait, in examining the specimen under a scope I
noticed two different “light colored” minerals, or at least they could be two
different minerals as they were slightly different colors. So I consulted MinDat and “discovered“ a carbon
copy photo of my specimen. The cream-colored
second mineral was listed as ellestadite—[Ca5(SiO4,PO4,SO4)3(F,OH,Cl)]. Now, this mineral seems way out of my league
in understanding the mineralogy. Best
that I can tell it is a type of apatite, or at least closely related to apatite---a
calcium sulfate silicate. It appears in
metamorphic carbonates and in the U.S is only found at the Crestmore quarries.
I love life and the interesting roads that are available for travel.
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