come from simple and natural things; mist over meadows, sunlight on leaves, the
path of the moon over water. Even rain and wind and stormy clouds bring joy.
I often “daydream” as I write since remembrances of my
past help me to contemplate the present, and brings joy to my life. I may not remember where my truck keys are
stored but have very sharp recollections of my time spent in the wilderness waters
of northern Minnesota: As long as there
are young men with the light of adventure in their eyes or a touch of wildness
in their souls, rapids will be run.
A “long time ago” I satisfied two great personal “loves”
by combining both teaching geology and canoeing in an outdoor classroom. My first classes were held on the Current
River in southern Missouri, a newly designated National Scenic Riverway (the
first in the nation). While interesting,
it was not the wilderness area that I craved.
So, the next few years I moved to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
(BWCA) in northern Minnesota headquartered in Ely. At that time the great author,
environmentalist and strong advocate for the protection of wilderness was still
alive and living in Ely---Sigurd Olson (1899-1982). I had devoured, several times, all of his
books and still bring out The Singing Wilderness
(a signed copy) for a yearly reading. I
figured that a man who took his wife canoeing on their honeymoon was my kind of
hero, and Mrs. Olson was my picture of a strong spouse and partner. I did not
take my wife canoeing on our honeymoon (the two days that it was—no money) but
not long after I had her carrying packs over the portage trails in the
BWCA. Again, a strong spouse and
I bring this up since the writings of Olson often just
flow across my mind and present vivid pictures: The mist was all gone from the river now and the rapids sparkled and
sang. Sometimes today the words associated with geology just sort off spin
off my tongue and flow across my mind with vivid pictures: Ajax, Black Dragon,
Black Jack Empire, Boss Tweed, Bullion Beck, Carissa, Eureka Hill, War Eagle, Scotta,
Uncle Sam, Opoltonga, Humbug, May Day, Godiva, Sunbeam. All of these locations, plus many others, are
mines in the greater Tintic District in Juab and Utah counties in the central
part of the state. I have not seen most Tintic mines but never-the-less can
picture them in my mind and wonder about the names. Was the “boss” of Tammany Hall, William
Tweed, investing in Utah Mines? Or was
the mine owner or foreman an admiring Democrat? Did some miner hit a rich vein
and yell Eureka? Did a mine tunnel collapse
and someone yelled Mayday? Those are
some of life’s persistent questions.
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Satellite image of Utah showing location of Tintic
Mining District and Salt Lake City.
Image courtesy of Ray Sterner, Johns Hopkins University.
The Tintic District is
located about 50 miles south-southeast of Salt Lake City on the west central
slope of the East Tintic Mountains. The
mountains are part of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province and connect
the Oquirrh Mountains to the north (also Basin and Range mountains and the
range visible directly to the west of Salt Lake City) and the Canyon Range to
the south.
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Google Earth image© of Tintic Mining District including Mammoth Mine. Utah Lake is the large body of water in the northeast. |
The Tintic Mining District
was discovered in ~1869 and its geology/mineralogy was summarized by Wilson
(1995) who noted the presence of ~175 species of minerals…”Much of the
production of siliceous ore in the district [was] utilized by smelters in
Tooele and Salt Lake City to mix with more iron-rich ores of Bingham. Tintic has produced gold, silver, lead,
copper, iron and zinc as its major commodities.” Morris (1968) noted the primary ores
consisted of “sulfides and sulfosalts of silver, lead, copper, iron, zinc and
bismuth in association with jasperoid (silicified carbonate rock), barite,
aggregates of quartz crystals, calcite, dolomite, and ankerite…gold is locally
The geology of the Mining
District is related to several large volcanoes that erupted in the Tintic area
(and much of western Utah) during the early Oligocene (Hintze and Kowallis,
2009) and covered Paleozoic rocks that were folded and faulted by an earlier
mountain building event termed the Sevier Orogeny (Cretaceous). During the later Oligocene, these volcanoes
begin collapsing and large calderas formed.
The hydrothermal solutions associated with the volcanics followed the
cracks and faults in the Paleozoic rocks and helped dissolve portions of the
limestones. As these solutions cooled
the minerals begin to crystallize forming the ore bodies in the limestone.
Although the Tintic mines
currently are closed (although many are under claim), their total mineral
production, about 20 million tons, would translate into about three billion
dollars (2006 dollars). The most valuable
metals were silver (~42%), gold (29%), lead (17%), copper (~6%) and zinc
(~6%). Production peaked in the first
half of the 2oth Century and finally ceased with the 2002 closing of the Trixie
Mine (Krahulec and Briggs, 2006). For a great history of the mine transportation
network check out Railroads and Mining at Tintic at
One of the smaller mines in
the District is the Carissa, a mine found on the slope of Mammoth Peak, home of
the well-known Mammoth Mine. It was
connected by a tunnel to its more productive neighbor the Northern Spy Mine. Carissa
may not have been a large gold-silver producer; however, it was later (years?)
a specimen producer of very nice crystals of the arsenates adamite [(Zn,Cu)2AsO4OH],
conichalcite [(CaCuAsO4(OH)], mimetite
[Pb5(AsO4)3Cl], olivenite [CuAsO4(OH)], mixite
[Cu6Bi(AsO4)3(OH)6-3H2O)] and
the copper carbonates rosasite and azurite.
All of these minerals are secondary and found in the oxidation zone
where primary lead (argentiferous galena), zinc (hemimorphite?), bismuth
(bismuth) and copper (copper, cuprite, enargite) were present. The enargite could also have provided the
arsenic for the arsenate (AsO4) ion with a charge of Minus 3.
In an arsenate ion, individual arsenic atoms are surrounded
by four oxygen atoms that form a strongly-bonded group that are linked together
by weaker bonds involving the metal cations plus the hydroxyl ion (OH) and the
water molecule (H2O). For
example, in mixite the metal cations are bismuth and copper. In the agardite
series (five minerals of the Mixite Group), there are numerous Rare Earth
Elements (REE) serving as cations.
Goethite matrix with various minerals as listed below (except azurite). Width of specimen ~5 cm. |
A second specimen from the Cariss with visible azurite. Width ~1.7 cm. Matrix includes much baryte. |
The most interesting specimen mineral collected from
the Carissa, as least to me, is the rare copper bismuth arsenate named mixite. Essentially a micromineral, mixite occurs as very
tiny, slender acicular needles that often congregate together in tuffs or radial
sprays. Although the crystals are usually some shade of green to blue-green, occasionally
they are white to light blue. Individuals
appear to have an adamantine luster although this is a difficult call. The
tuffs are more silky in nature. Crystals belong to the Hexagonal System and
appear to be translucent to transparent.
Hardness is listed as 3.5-4 although that is tough for me to determine.
Mixite is the namesake of the Mixite Group, as
assemblage of about a dozen arsenates or phosphates containing hydroxyl ions
and water molecules but with different cations--all look similar and are
difficult to distinguish between. I know my specimens from the Carissa Mine are
mixite since they have been identified by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) methods.
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Unknown mineral. Note penetrating twin. Crystal ~ 6 mm. |
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Flat-bladed green mixite crystals collected from Gold Hill Mine, western Utah. |
often we speak of the great silences of the wilderness and of the importance of
preserving them and the wonder and peace to be found there. When I think of
them, I see the lakes and rivers of the North, the muskegs and expenses of
tundra, the barren lands beyond all roads. I see the mountain ranges of the
West and the high, rolling ridges of the Appalacians. I picture the deserts of
the Southwest and their brilliant panoramas of color, the impenetrable swamp
lands of the South. They will always be there and their beauty may not change,
but should their silences be broken, they will never be the same.
All quotes above are from the writings of Sigurd
Hintze, L.F. and B.J. Kowallis, 2009, Geologic History
of Utah: Brigham Young University Geology Studies, Special Publication 9.
Krahulec, K. and D. F. Briggs, 2006, History, geology,
and production of the Tintic Mining District, Juab, Utah, and Tooele Counties in R.L. Bon, Editor, Mining Districts of Utah: Utah Geological Association
Publication 32.
Morris, H.T., 1968, the Main Tintic Mining District,
Utah in Ore Deposits of the United
States, 1933-1967: American Institute of Mining Engineers, Graton-Sales Volume,
New York, v. 2.
Wilson, J.R., 1995, A Collector’s Guide to Rock,
Mineral & fossil Localities of Utah: Utah Geological Survey, Misc.
Publication 95-4.
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