Today a song popped up on the
radio that remined me of a famous mineral collecting duo. The crooner was Buck Owens, the song was Together Again, and the collectors were
Art Montgomery and Edwin Over. I have previously commented on some of their
expeditions and here is another blurb.
The year was 1936 (had to be
summer) and Ed and Art were heading to the Prince of Wales Island along the
coast of southeast Alaska (Berry, 2002).
The objective of this trip was to collect epidote crystals near Green
Monster Mountain (perhaps inspired by the 1935 Smithsonian expedition), a
former lead-copper-silver mining area where epidote crystals had been collected
since around 1915; Ed and Art were off on anther adventure. I keep thinking that 1936 was 80 years ago when
tents were probably made of heavy canvas, the camping equipment would have been
primitive (compared to today’s standards---no REI rain slickers), and work was
in a coastal rain forest where temps are cool, humidity high, and rain
plentiful (~95 inches per year). Tom Loomis from Dakota Matrix noted that the
Green Monster Mountain epidote is some of the best in the world, and there are
numerous epidote localities. Epidote from this locality should be coveted not
only because of their quality but because of the effort it probably took to obtain
specimens. If the mosquitoes don't get you at this locality the grizzly bears
and green monsters will - in the pouring rain.
The rocks that produce the epidote
are mineralized marbles of the Wales Group (dates around 541 Ma, just about the
Cambrian-Precambrian boundary) that have been cooked (contact metamorphism,
high temperature) by Cretaceous granodiorite intrusions. These types of deposits are known as skarns
and at Green Monster Mountain specifically as garnet-epidote-diopside skarn meaning
these metamorphic minerals are present and are associated with migrating
hydrothermal solutions. On a larger
scale, garnet-epidote-diopside skarns are part of a larger group known as Copper
Skarns that form close to intrusions and at/near plate subduction/transition
zones (Meinert and Dawson, date unknown). Prince of Wales Island is near the
Queen Charlotte Fault that runs from the Cascades (U.S. mainland) to mainland
Alaska. It is a transform fault (like
the San Andreas) where the Pacific Plate is sliding past the North American
Plate and is tectonically active.
I don’t have the slightest idea
where Over and Montgomery prospected as epidote mines/diggings seem to be
scattered over a wide area. For example,
Herreid and others (1978) stated: “the principal productive mineral deposits in
the area are skarns containing copper, zinc, molybdenum, and gold around the
Copper Mountain pluton (Cretaceous). The largest known deposit, the Jumbo Mine,
produced 10,194,264 lb of copper, 87,778 oz of silver, and 7,676 oz of gold
during the first part of the century (Kennedy, 1963). Museum-quality epidote
and quartz crystals have been won from the skarns around the pluton.”
Kennedy (1963) also noted the
Jumbo Mine deposits are famous for their epidote crystals. “Locally epidote is
an abundant mineral in the skarn zone at the Jumbo Mine. It occurs as
medium-sized irregular grains replacing garnet, in groups of radiating crystals
surrounded by later quartz and calcite, and as coarse crystals of exceptional
beauty and complexity of crystal form lining the walls of vugs. The epidote
specimens from the Jumbo area are rivaled only by those on the Tyrol [epidote
discovered in 1865 in Austria and often considered the world’s best]."
The epidote locality noted by MinDat
at Green Monster Mountain is the Rex Prospect (Idela Prospect): “this prospect
consists of three short caved adits and some pits and trenches that probably
date from before WW I. All or most are on a large block of (14?) patented
claims that extends northwest to the Green Monster Mine (CR153). The deposit
consists of mineralized zones along faults in garnet-epidote-diopside skarn.”
I purchased my epidote quartz
specimen a couple of years ago at the CSMS summer show from Terra Minerals who
had received a flat from Jack Crawford; I thought mine was the best of the
bunch! The specimen is a mass of slender
green epidote crystals whose numerous and non-orientated positions are known as
jackstraw crystals are “going in every which direction.” There is also a larger terminated quartz crystal that has included epidote
crystals. One of the more interesting
aspects of the specimen is a single epidote crystal that is only partially inserted
into the quartz crystal. I presume, but
am not certain, that the epidote crystals formed before the quartz and are what
The Quartz Page (
refers to as protogenetic inclusions.
One characteristic of these epidote-first inclusions is that included fibers
run through the entire crystal at random orientations.
Epidote and quartz from Green Monster Mine, Alaska. Width of photo ~8.0 cm. |
Terminated quartz crystal with epidote inclusions. Width of photomicrograph ~8 mm. |
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Jackstraw arrangement of epidote crystals. Width of photomicrograph ~8 mm. |
Jackstraw arrangement of epidote crystals. Width of photomicrograph ~8 mm. |
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Note the different sizes of epidote crystal. The lower mass are "needles." Width ~8 mm. |
Note the large single crystal of epidote partially included in the quartz crystal. |
Epidote almost always occurs in
some shade of green and most collectors immediately recognize specimens that
are the common pistachio green color. However, colors can range to almost a
black to yellow to brown and all sorts of shades in-between. Crystals leave a white/clear streak and are slightly
softer than quartz at ~6.5 (Mohs). They
usually have a vitreous luster and darker colors are opaque while the very
light shades are translucent/transparent. Epidote (Al/Fe-rich) is in solid
solution (a transition) with clinozoisite (Al-rich) and it is often tough to
distinguish between the two minerals.
Epidote is “usually” darker in color due to a higher iron content while
clinozoisite is a “lighter” shade due to less iron in the mineral and more
aluminum. In addition, several members of
the Epidote Supergroup are variations of the basic epidote. Some have legitimate mineral names such as hancockite
(enriched with lead) while others are simply noted as epidote-(Sr) and enriched
with strontium. All are similar “looking”
(commonly prismatic crystals) and belong to the Monoclinic Crystal System.
I simply find it amazing that the early
collectors (including paleontologists) were able to access sites across the
world with minimal support help. I presume
Over and Montgomery traveled to Prince of Wales Island by ship. Did they then pack in collecting and camping
equipment with animals or on their back? Did they employ "sherpas"?
How did they wrap and pack out specimens? Did they worry about grizzly
bears? Today the Island only has about 5000 human inhabitants and Craig is the
largest population center at 1500. Is Green Monster Mountain close enough to
supply centers? All of these, and more,
are some of life’s persistent questions.
I don’t have access to papers or
notes relating to the Alaskan Expedition. In fact, I was uncertain if
Montgomery went to Alaska or if he stayed in New York to sell specimens. However, George White (Berry, 2002) stated, “Other
outstanding discoveries were made by the pair…Prince of Wales Alaskan epidote
in 1936” and Crosby (2015) noted that “1936 brought new energy into the canyon
[Clay Canyon in Utah collecting for variscite] with the entry of Arthur
Montgomery and Edwin Over who had just been collecting epidote at Green Monster
Mountain on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.”
Berry, R., 2002, History of the Colorado
Springs Mineralogical Society: privately printed.
Crosby, D., 2015, Clay Canyon and the Little Green Monster variscite mine:
Crosby, D., 2015, Clay Canyon and the Little Green Monster variscite mine:
Herreid, Gordon, Bundtzen, T.K.,
and Turner, D.L.,1978, Geology and geochemistry of the Craig A-2 quadrangle,
Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological and
Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 48 p.
Kennedy, G.C., 1953, Geology and
mineral deposits of the Jumbo Basin, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 251.
L., Dawson, K., retrieved January 2019:
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