It has been one of those weeks where the hot weather
has sort of fizzled my brain and sent me into memory lane. Of course, 94 degrees with 10% humidity
(Colorado) is not really “hot” compared to my former home in Kansas where my
friends were suffering in 107 degrees.
My heat-addled mind often “remembers” in decades and so it was this time,
50 years ago—the summer of 69. This time
period was easy to remember since the country was in an uproar over events in
southeast Asia, a great geology scenery movie starring Paul Newman as Butch
Cassidy and introducing Robert Redford as the Sundance Kid was released, the
U.S. put a “man on the moon” in late July, Charles Manson and his groupies went
on a killing rampage in early August, and 400,000+ mostly young people
converged on a farm in upstate New York to attend a music
festival—Woodstock. Lately I have been
watching “documentaries” on the tube about Woodstock and it brought back many
memories. I liked much of the music (not
a fan of Jimi Hendrix tho) but as a small-town kid from conservative Kansas I simply
could not really identify with the drugs and seemingly open sex for
everyone--was the latter really true?. What I could identify with was
the fear (and reality) of so many young men waiting for the county draft board
to ship them off on a bus for a make-believe physical exam, and then off they
went to southeast Asia. If a male
college student flunked just one class, it was, as Buffalo Springfield sang: Paranoia
strikes deep / Into your life it will creep, It starts when you're always
afraid / Step out of line, the men come and take you away.
I lost friends in the conflict and the mind,
intellect, reasoning and judgment of an entire generation was affected and
remembered; our country has never healed.
fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. George S. McGovern
For the “hippie” pilgrims (the term of the press) of
the day, Woodstock was a break in the reality of the war and a time where one,
for three days, could just forget and kick back. Let their mind rest. After the concert was
over it was back to the reality of draft boards, physical exams and long plane
come on all of you, big strong men,
Sam needs your help again.
got himself in a terrible jam
down yonder in Vietnam
put down your books and pick up a gun,
gonna have a whole lotta fun.
it's one, two, three,
are we fighting for ?
ask me, I don't give a damn,
stop is Vietnam;
it's five, six, seven,
up the pearly gates,
there ain't no time to wonder why,
we're all gonna die.
Joe and the Fish
But again, I was just the small-town kid, married for
two years and working hard on a graduate degree at the University of Utah. I had neither the time nor the money nor the
inclination to tromp off to New York. In
fact, I just looked at my field book/notes and noticed that August 15-18 I was
tromping around in rural southwestern Wyoming mapping some rock units and
collecting vertebrate fossils. I had
been walking and searching all summer and had been concerned that a lack of
fossils would not allow me to complete a dissertation and then I was in
trouble, big trouble. However, in
mid-August the stars were aligned correctly, and I stumbled across an opening
in the sagebrush north of Evanston and saw bone chips and part of a turtle
scute. My heart fluttered as I sank to my knees and stuck my face to within six
inches of the ground and started seeing small mammal teeth and bones. I knew at that moment “things” were going to
be OK and I could handle the rest of my graduate academics. Maybe, as a popular 5th Dimension
1969 song belted out, we were in the Age of Aquarius and Jupiter-Mars aligned
with my fossil find!
the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
So, the summer of 69 was an important time in my
life. Wow, 50 years ago. The summer of 2019 (with some poor music) has
not been as eventful but never-the-less has been interesting and I always look
forward to the numerous rock and mineral shows scheduled for the summer
months. A week or so ago (I am still writing a month later) I was able to
wander up to Woodland Park for the show and enjoyed visiting with many vendors
and picking up a few specimens. I mean
how can one attend a mineral show and not come home with something?
I have a detailed posting on pyrrhotite (July 28, 2014) so will not repeat that information. In fact, I really did not need another specimen of the iron sulfide (Fe7S8); however, this was a very nice piece, cheap, and available. Pyrrhotite is sort of a strange mineral is that it is magnetic and easily attracts a magnet as a variable amount of iron vacancies in its crystal structure. The specimen was collected from the Potosi Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Mun. de Aquilies Serdan,
Chiluahua, Mexico.
There are nice brassy crystals scattered on the specimen. width FOV ~3.7 cm. |
Photomicrograph of pyrrhotite crystals although light reflection does not allow for the brassy color to come through. Crystals are tabular in cross section
but hexagonal when viewed down the C axis (as these are). Width FOV ~1.2 cm.
Photomicrograph calcite crystals. Width FOV ~1.2 cm. | | |
Photomicrograph shiny black sphalerite crystals along with pyrrhotite and calcite . Width FOV ~ 1.2 cm.
A second specimen is not a rare or uncommon mineral but
is a new specimen (for me) from a favorite locality: molybdenite (molybdenum sulfide: MoS2) from the California Mine near Mt.
Antero in Chaffee County, Colorado. The Mt. Antero gem mines (aquamarine
mostly) were among the first high altitude localities that I explored upon
moving to Colorado in 2006. The geology of Mt. Antero/Mt. White has been
described in numerous publications, the most comprehensive being Mark
Jacobson’s book entitled Antero Aquamarines (1993). In general, Mt. Antero/Mt. White is underlain
by a rock unit termed the Mt. Antero Granite. McIntosh and Chapin (2004) have assigned
a date of 29.6 million years to the granite, or mid-Oligocene in age. Sharp
(1976) described the granite as chiefly pinkish-orange, medium grained;…
youngest of the plutons (intrusive igneous rocks) in the vicinity of Mt.
Antero. Miarolitic cavities (crystal
lined cavities often containing unusual minerals) are common and are often
filled with…beryl (including aquamarine), phenakite, and smoky quartz.
A flat plate-like matrix of beryl measuring ~5.7 cm. maximum width, and coated on both sides by bright flaky silver molybdenite crystals. BTW, I cannot remove the photo of this specimen from the pyrrhoite photos--another Blogger quirk!
Photomicrograph from above specimen showing flaky crystals. Width FOV ~1.0 cm.
My early trips to Mt. Antero were accessed by walking
(twice) up the “Mt. Antero Road” through Baldwin Gulch off Chalk Creek Road
west of Nathrop. This is the major road
that almost all rockhounds bounce and bump up. My initial walking treks were
due to the fact that I wanted to summit (fairly) Mt. Antero at 14,276. Since
the California Mine is a couple of miles southwest of the mountain on the flank
of Carbonate Mountain at an elevation of ~12,500 feet, I decided one day (before
several joint replacements) that a nice hike was in order and trudged up the Browns
Creek Trail starting off US 285 south of Nathrop.
The location of the California Mine is sort of
obscured in the large talus slope on the mountain and an adit has been blasted
shut. In 1953 Adams noted that “molybdenite occurs sparsely in small veinlets
in the massive quartz outcrop of the vein…and is concentrated along surfaces
that presumably represent the walls of open channelways or vugs. Away from such
surfaces, it is in isolated flakes that in many places project into small voids
between beryl and quartz crystals.”
I really did not find much of interest on the hike
(except beauty and tired legs after a 12 mile in and out) and needed to retreat
to a lower elevation as a summer monsoon storm was blowing in. I do not enjoy electrical storms and quickly
left the area never to return. As best
that I can tell, the California Mine had beryllium production from the beryl; however,
I could not locate production figures.
MinDat also reported the presence of molybdenum and tungsten but again no
production figures fell into my hands. In
fact, I am uncertain as to which mineral contained the tungsten.
Therefore, I was happy to locate the specimen shown
below. It originally came from the
collection of,
the owner/collector unknown since the domain site is now for sale.
Radiating aggregates of prismatic "soft" violet crystals of creedite from the Henderson molybdenite mine.Width FOV ~6.1 cm.
Photomicrograph of a section from above specimen. Width FOV ~1.4 cm.
A third specimen I acquired at Woodland Park is again
a mineral that is not uncommon but certainly rather rare in Colorado. In a
Posting on July 10, 2016, I described a specimen of creedite [Ca3SO4Al2F8(OH)2-2H20],
a hydroxyhalide mineral (minerals with a Halide Group anion—chlorine, fluorine,
bromine, iodine--- plus the hydroxide radical) from the Cressen Pit at Cripple
Creek (the famous gold mine). Although
the mineral creedite had been named (1916) from a locality in the San Juan
Mountains near the community of Creed, it was not until 2001 that the second
Colorado locality was recorded from the Cresson Pit. And finally, in 2007, a third locality was
reported from the Henderson molybdenum mine near Climax. The Woodland Park show was the first time I
had seen a specimen from this latter locality for sale so I “nabbed it.”
The final specimen brought back from Woodland Park is actually one that was not in my vocabulary (not a hard task to
accomplish)---chondrodite (not to be confused with chondrite, stony meteorites)
. As a softrocker I was totally unfamiliar with this metamorphic mineral, but
it was cheap at four bucks and had some nice gemmy crystals. Chondrodite is a somewhat rare neosilicate
mineral [(Mg,Fe)5(SiO4)2(F,OH,)2]
and is formed in a contact metamorphic environment, usually where hydrothermal
solutions (created by heat from an intrusion) comes in contact with carbonate
rocks (limestone or dolomite ormaybe even carbonatite) and where fluorine has been
introduced by the fluids. Most crystals
of chondrodite are yellow, orange, red, red-orange, brown, red brown and occur
as individuals or masses in remnants or the original carbonate, usually calcite
or marble. Changes in color intensity in
the crystals is common. Crystals are
brittle and are easily fractured in a conchoidal manner. Chondrodite is fairly hard at ~6.0-6.5 (Mohs),
has a vitreous to greasy luster and a yellow to yellow-gray streak. It is
transparent to translucent. Some red
crystals are quite gemmy and have been faceted. In addition, a few crystals fluoresce an orange (SW) to yellow
orange (LW).
Crystals of chondrodite in a matrix of rhombohedral calcite. Width FOV ~7.0 cm.
Photomicrograph of chondrodite crystals showing changes in color intensity. Matrix of rhombohedral calcite.
In the United States the best specimens of chondrodite
seem to be associated with intrusive rocks in New York and New Jersey,
especially the Tilly Foster Mine located near Brewster, Town of Southeast,
Putnam County, New York. The mine was
active from 1843 until 1897 with peak iron production in the 1870s, mainly from
magnetite. MinDat lists 120 minerals and
stated the mine “is famous for its excellent brucite, chondrodite, clinochlore,
titanite, and magnetite crystals and antigorite or lizardite (and other
species) pseudomorphs after a wide variety of minerals.”
Adams, J.W., 1953, Beryllium deposits of the Mt. Antero Region, Chaffee County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 982-d.
Jacobson, M.L., 1993, Antero aquamarines: Minerals from the Mt. Antero-White Mountain Region, Chaffee County, Colorado: L R Ream Publishing.
McIntosh, W.C. and C.E. Chapin, 2004, Geochronology of Central Colorado Volcanic Fields: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.
Sharp, W.N., 1976, Geologic Map and Details of the Beryllium and Molybdenum Occurrences, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-810.
If you want to see a little Woodstock live see if this will load: